We got Raunchy, we got naughty, we got video! LOL Here I am on Panel at Con Carolinas 2010. Talking about what else but Sex and The Supernatural! Enjoy LOL its a ride :) I'llpost pics of the con later this week
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Darling With A Gun "New Release!"

I wanted to temp and tease you with my new book.. Hot off the proverbial presses with Sugar and Spice Press (www.sugarnspicepress.com). Here is a taste :)
Jasmine Darling. Anyone who heard the name would think steamy nights with a sexy Southern Belle. But the husky drawl that Ben Winters heard came from a woman dressed in uniform. She carried a gun in the middle of a jungle and was sent to rescue him. She intrigued Ben from the very beginning and made him wonder what was hidden beneath the tough exterior she showed the world. To everyone else in her unit she was J.D. and one of the boys. She would be Jasmine to him when he took her to the heights of passion and desire smoldered in her eyes.Benjamin Winters. The name on her lips made her think of offices and three piece suits. Not the sexy man who now invaded her dreams. They were stuck together on a mission that could not fail. But when he looked at her she felt less like a special operations soldier and more like a woman. She kept her secret hidden like the camouflage she wore. Now Ben's kisses threatened the thick walls she had built to make it in a world of all men. Did she dare let him see the real woman beneath the facade? Could he handle every part of her life without breaking her heart?
They went downstairs hand in hand and walked around exploring the villa for a little bit before heading to the kitchen to look for Ben. They found him, and he looked up from the slices of bread that were spread across the stone countertop. Jasmine smiled when he looked at the scrubbed Vanessa and winked. Jasmine saw his eyes widen when he saw her without the uniform.
Laugher rose up from his chest in a rich deep baritone that was quite enjoyable to listen to. But she knew it was his reaction to the pink T-shirt she wore.
Jasmine pointed a finger at him. “Don’t say a word. We’re matching twins this evening.”
Ben unsuccessfully tried to smother the wide grin that spread across his face. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He directed his gaze to Vanessa and teased, “And who is this lovely lady with you? I don’t seem to remember her.”
Jasmine was glad to hear the little girl giggle and knew she was on the mend from her ordeal. She took Vanessa’s small hand so she could perform a twirl. “This is Miss Vanessa.”
With caution in his step, Ben approached the youngest of their group. Jasmine silently commended him for knowing that even though she smiled and played, any sudden moves or surprises could scare her—especially from a man as big as him.
He crouched down to the little girl’s level and said softly, “Nice to meet you, Vanessa. Are you hungry?”
The little girl nodded and gave him a hug which Ben returned willingly. He took her hand and helped her up on the stool in front of a plate with a sandwich and a big glass of juice. He turned to head back around the counter to his own food just as Jasmine was moving. Their bodies collided, and his arms went around her automatically. He didn’t have to pull me so close, Jasmine thought. He doesn’t have to stare at me with those emerald green eyes.
Desire smoldered in those eyes, and everything around her seemed to melt away. “Sorry,” she whispered and stepped away.
The urge to step back into his arms was a temptation she fought hard to resist. Instead she sat next to Vanessa, who looked up happily while munching away on her meal. Jasmine thought it best to give Ben a wide berth for the duration of their stay.
They ate, then talked with the now animated and delightful Vanessa, who convinced them to let her watch her favorite cartoons on the big screen television they found in the entertainment room. While she watched from the sofa, her eyes began to droop. When she leaned against Jasmine and asked her not to let anything bad happen while she was asleep before she popped a thumb into her mouth, Jasmine was lost. She glimpsed the life she could have, and for once, she broke her own rule; she let emotion into her job.
They ate, then talked with the now animated and delightful Vanessa, who convinced them to let her watch her favorite cartoons on the big screen television they found in the entertainment room. While she watched from the sofa, her eyes began to droop. When she leaned against Jasmine and asked her not to let anything bad happen while she was asleep before she popped a thumb into her mouth, Jasmine was lost. She glimpsed the life she could have, and for once, she broke her own rule; she let emotion into her job.
When Vanessa was completely lost to the dream world, Jasmine picked up the little girl, refusing Ben’s help to take her upstairs to the bedroom. She got her settled in the bed, made sure the windows were secure, and left the light on and the door cracked just in case nightmares woke her. Jasmine would be there in seconds to soothe her fears, but until then, while Vanessa slept, she would walk the perimeter and make sure everything was secure.
Ben walked into the kitchen while she was putting her gun into the waist of her jeans at the small of her back. “There is nothing sexier than a woman wearing a Hello Kitty shirt and carrying a gun.”
Jasmine threw a look over a shoulder. “You stay inside. I’m going to check the grounds.”
“Honey, look over there, and you’ll see a security system to rival the one at the White House,”
Ben pointed out. “An earthworm can’t even turn in the garden without us knowing.”
“Systems fail. I prefer to do my own recon,” Jasmine answered shortly.
“Back to being G.I. Jane,” Ben murmured.
“Excuse me, but this G.I. Jane saved your ass in the jungle a few hours ago,” Jasmine pointed out. “Typical, you hear my name, and you see me hangout with the kid, and you automatically think I am soft. Trust me, Ben Winters. I can take you on any day.”
“Yeah, you are a tough cookie, and I’m sure you could knock me on my ass, Jasmine,” Ben acknowledged. “But I can see there’s more to you. Something underneath that hard shell you show the world. Somehow I think you’re running away from being in the same room as I am.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Really?” Ben moved toward her, and Jasmine stepped back until she was pressed against the kitchen counter. “Kiss me and prove me wrong.”
“I don’t have to prove anything.” Jasmine felt her heart begin to flutter in her chest.
Ben braced a hand on both sides of her body, blocking her getaway, pinning her with a jade green stare. “Prove it,” he repeated softly. “I dare you.”
Jasmine gave in to his soft dare. She took the gun from her waist and placed it on the counter before she took his face in her hands. The texture of his five o’ clock shadow tickled her palms. She took his lips in a kiss, devouring him, and slipping her tongue into his mouth. But it was her moan she heard mingled with his when he took control and kissed her back. For one moment she decided to give in and let herself feel something more than just living a job. It was like a match that burned to flame when struck, and Jasmine opened herself up to the passion he stoked inside her with just a kiss. She wanted to be taken, to be filled, and to fall apart in his arms as arousal broke free from a dam she kept reined in tight. Tonight she would relish in being wanton and sultry.
Ben gave a low groan, and his hand slid around her waist, pulling her to him and away from the counter. The kiss turned wild and hot, and yet he moved back slowly. Jasmine wondered vaguely where they were going but soon didn’t care. Ben took over the onslaught of her mouth, and Jasmine accepted his hunger and passion. He pulled away. His eyes were filled with raw hunger, and it made her tremble in excitement. His steps had led them back to the family room where the fireplace crackled and the plush white carpet was set off by the red leather furniture.
Ben stepped away and walked to the warmth of the fire. He turned and extended his hand out to her and said simply, “Be with me.”
Her steps didn’t falter when she went to him. The magnetic pull of attraction was not to be denied. Jasmine took his hand, and he pulled her to him. Without hesitation, his lips took hers and stoked the flame of passion once more.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Dahlia Rose Nation!!
Hi Hi Cheeky Dahlins
Whew! Its been a hectic first three month in 2010 and I have just got a breather to say hi and tell you whats going on.
I hope you saw all the new covers on the aside of the blog. That's been my main focus is writing because of all the deadlines I have to meet. I have made these books intense and really focused back on my contemporary works. Erotic with a hint of Caribbean Spice, well you got it!! And I want to take summer off for some relaxing with good books and my family.
Guess what? I am starting a new hobby. What pray tell you say?... Well I am starting a garden in our backyard. Our very large family has moved into a new home (I have my own office now..Picture below) and I am endeavoring to begin gardening to relax. So I am going to plant Tomatoes, strawberries,blueberries, cucumbers, red and green peppers, beans, and fresh herbs! It might seem crazy but I already dug out the garden plot and I have my list ready and heading to Home Depot. I'll be posting pictures of my progress so stay tuned.
Brenin is getting huge! He will be one in May and we are planning a huge bash with a bouncy house on the front lawn. Granted I think a few adults might be in said boucy house. But its all in fun. Friends and family will be coming to celebrate with us and below is a pic of our ten month old comedian. Every day he does something to make us smile. He is proegessing in leaps and bounds and I am so very proud of him. He along with our other four kids own my heart with a special piece for my DH Rob. Who is two classes away from graduating College!
Deanna my oldest will be eighteen in July. I am tears constantly lately looking at her and remembering my cute baby girl. Now she is a woman asking us to buy her a car (ssssshhh she is going to get it to..don't tell her..LOL). She graduates from High school in June and that's going to be another tear jerker. We are on the hunt for the perfect prom dress. I was almost in tears in the mall on Saturday looking at her pick dresses. No more ribbons in her hair and little patent leather shoes and bobby socks. Treasure your babies my dahlins, they grow up so fast.
Hmm what else. Oh yes.. I will be a part of Con Carolina again this year! I am looking forward to seeing everyone again and Yes yes yes! We are heading to Dragon Con this year once more..ATL Dahlia is coming to party once more!!
My life is full and blessed in so many way and I am very happy to get to share it all with you.
As for my writing I have a ton of books on the waiting list to be released. Thirst just came out on Saturday and it already making wonderful sales. Here is ia list of what to expect from me and I hope you enjjoy them all if/when you buy a copy.
Under The Big Top (www.amirapress.com)
Black Gold (www.sugarnspicepress.com)
Private Dancer (www.amiraPress.com)
Darling With A Gun (www.sugarnspicepress.com)
Hot Lips and Cherry Lillipops (www.sugarnspicepress.com)
They are a few more but I shall keep you updated on those.
Well my dearies, it time for me to go enjoy a piece of cheesecake and get back ot my manuscripts. Its raining outside and they say tornado warning on the Television. Be blessed in all things and thank you for being a part of my world!
You can friend me on facebook or join my fan page (www.facebook.com/Author.DahliaRose)
Or twitter me (www.twitter.com/DahliaRose1029)
Check out my new website under construction now (www.authordahliarose.com)
Hugs, Cheesecake and Smooches!
Dahlia Rose
Whew! Its been a hectic first three month in 2010 and I have just got a breather to say hi and tell you whats going on.
I hope you saw all the new covers on the aside of the blog. That's been my main focus is writing because of all the deadlines I have to meet. I have made these books intense and really focused back on my contemporary works. Erotic with a hint of Caribbean Spice, well you got it!! And I want to take summer off for some relaxing with good books and my family.
Guess what? I am starting a new hobby. What pray tell you say?... Well I am starting a garden in our backyard. Our very large family has moved into a new home (I have my own office now..Picture below) and I am endeavoring to begin gardening to relax. So I am going to plant Tomatoes, strawberries,blueberries, cucumbers, red and green peppers, beans, and fresh herbs! It might seem crazy but I already dug out the garden plot and I have my list ready and heading to Home Depot. I'll be posting pictures of my progress so stay tuned.
Brenin is getting huge! He will be one in May and we are planning a huge bash with a bouncy house on the front lawn. Granted I think a few adults might be in said boucy house. But its all in fun. Friends and family will be coming to celebrate with us and below is a pic of our ten month old comedian. Every day he does something to make us smile. He is proegessing in leaps and bounds and I am so very proud of him. He along with our other four kids own my heart with a special piece for my DH Rob. Who is two classes away from graduating College!
Deanna my oldest will be eighteen in July. I am tears constantly lately looking at her and remembering my cute baby girl. Now she is a woman asking us to buy her a car (ssssshhh she is going to get it to..don't tell her..LOL). She graduates from High school in June and that's going to be another tear jerker. We are on the hunt for the perfect prom dress. I was almost in tears in the mall on Saturday looking at her pick dresses. No more ribbons in her hair and little patent leather shoes and bobby socks. Treasure your babies my dahlins, they grow up so fast.
Hmm what else. Oh yes.. I will be a part of Con Carolina again this year! I am looking forward to seeing everyone again and Yes yes yes! We are heading to Dragon Con this year once more..ATL Dahlia is coming to party once more!!
My life is full and blessed in so many way and I am very happy to get to share it all with you.
As for my writing I have a ton of books on the waiting list to be released. Thirst just came out on Saturday and it already making wonderful sales. Here is ia list of what to expect from me and I hope you enjjoy them all if/when you buy a copy.
Under The Big Top (www.amirapress.com)
Black Gold (www.sugarnspicepress.com)
Private Dancer (www.amiraPress.com)
Darling With A Gun (www.sugarnspicepress.com)
Hot Lips and Cherry Lillipops (www.sugarnspicepress.com)
They are a few more but I shall keep you updated on those.
Well my dearies, it time for me to go enjoy a piece of cheesecake and get back ot my manuscripts. Its raining outside and they say tornado warning on the Television. Be blessed in all things and thank you for being a part of my world!
You can friend me on facebook or join my fan page (www.facebook.com/Author.DahliaRose)
Or twitter me (www.twitter.com/DahliaRose1029)
Check out my new website under construction now (www.authordahliarose.com)
Hugs, Cheesecake and Smooches!
Dahlia Rose
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Year 2010 and what is coming from Dahlia Rose!!
Happy New Year to all my fabulous Luvvies!!
My Year has been a full one in 2009. New baby, work, work and yes more work. My Three Holiday releases Merry Christmas Baby, All I want For Christmas Is you, Seducing Santa have done amazing sales and top sellers for the publishing houses of Amira Press (www.amirapress.com)and Sugar and Spice Press (www.sugarnspicepress.com)
So whats going on with me for 2010? Its crazy but My dahlins you will love it all!
Coming January 8th.... Angel Mine and it will be in e-book and print with Amira Press.
Coming in February... Hot Lips and Cherry Lollipops In E-book and Print with Sugar and Spice Press.
I am going to be in a super Anthology with three other authors for a Valentines release. My story will be called Ablaze. The co authors include Morgan Hawke, Dorian Wallace, and Eliza Gayle so you see I am in good company. :)
What else..Hmmm lets see?
Words of Love will be released in 2010 with Amira Press. Now I hope you will be excited because its the long awaited Part 2 to Paradise Found. The funny story with this is that. I lost this manuscript half way done! My computer crashed and I lost it all! But amazingly enough I found a copy 2 years later and I am now in the process of finishing it and if you think Paradise Found was exciting. Luvvies you have not seen anything yet. :D
There so much more to come.But I'll update you as I go along. My fingers can only type so fast..LOL
Baby Brenin is getting so big. This was his first Christmas and he had a blast! We went to New York for the holiday and spent it with my family. So if you like pictures check out my facebook page and look at our holiday album. www.facebook.com/Author.DahliaRose
But remember friend me first :)
I'll be having a new website built in the coming weeks and thats exciting. There is so much going on that I do need to let my readers know where to find out about new works and releases.
In June my daughter Deanna will be graduating highschool. She'll be 18 in July and man I do feel old. *ahem only 34 here* but nonetheless. I look at her lately and see her as the cute baby girl that she once was. She has grown up so quickly. Luckily I was there for all the great moments in her life as the years went by. *sigh* Mommas baby girl is going to soon leave for college.
There'll be Book signings, release parties, conventions and so much more for 2010 so let the fun begin!!
Well I'll leave this as To-Be- Continued....
I'll try and I promise to really try and keep my blog updated. Toodles for now luvvies
Dahlia Rose
My Year has been a full one in 2009. New baby, work, work and yes more work. My Three Holiday releases Merry Christmas Baby, All I want For Christmas Is you, Seducing Santa have done amazing sales and top sellers for the publishing houses of Amira Press (www.amirapress.com)and Sugar and Spice Press (www.sugarnspicepress.com)
So whats going on with me for 2010? Its crazy but My dahlins you will love it all!
Coming January 8th.... Angel Mine and it will be in e-book and print with Amira Press.
Coming in February... Hot Lips and Cherry Lollipops In E-book and Print with Sugar and Spice Press.
I am going to be in a super Anthology with three other authors for a Valentines release. My story will be called Ablaze. The co authors include Morgan Hawke, Dorian Wallace, and Eliza Gayle so you see I am in good company. :)
What else..Hmmm lets see?
Words of Love will be released in 2010 with Amira Press. Now I hope you will be excited because its the long awaited Part 2 to Paradise Found. The funny story with this is that. I lost this manuscript half way done! My computer crashed and I lost it all! But amazingly enough I found a copy 2 years later and I am now in the process of finishing it and if you think Paradise Found was exciting. Luvvies you have not seen anything yet. :D
There so much more to come.But I'll update you as I go along. My fingers can only type so fast..LOL
Baby Brenin is getting so big. This was his first Christmas and he had a blast! We went to New York for the holiday and spent it with my family. So if you like pictures check out my facebook page and look at our holiday album. www.facebook.com/Author.DahliaRose
But remember friend me first :)
I'll be having a new website built in the coming weeks and thats exciting. There is so much going on that I do need to let my readers know where to find out about new works and releases.
In June my daughter Deanna will be graduating highschool. She'll be 18 in July and man I do feel old. *ahem only 34 here* but nonetheless. I look at her lately and see her as the cute baby girl that she once was. She has grown up so quickly. Luckily I was there for all the great moments in her life as the years went by. *sigh* Mommas baby girl is going to soon leave for college.
There'll be Book signings, release parties, conventions and so much more for 2010 so let the fun begin!!
Well I'll leave this as To-Be- Continued....
I'll try and I promise to really try and keep my blog updated. Toodles for now luvvies
Dahlia Rose
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Step Into My Erotic Paradise "All are welcome"
Dahlia Rose,
Author, mother, lover, friend she is a rainbow of openness never to be defined. Defining her would be like trying to block a bullet. But, if you tried and happen to stumble upon her in wikipedia, you would find that she has lived nine lives and has warmed a million hearts. She has done more than most and navigated everywhere loving freely and forever changing her hair. A light to this world who uses her being to unfold secrets and keys that lay beneath destinies and blessing. She worships the moon and tattoos her dreams in books. A lioness brought here to conquer the sun with a pen…no war…love as a weapon to win. With Love as her sweater constantly warming you and I with words.
A best selling author of contemporary and paranormal romance with a hint of Caribbean spice. She was born and raised on a Caribbean island and now currently lives in Charlotte, NC with her five kids who she affectionately nicknamed "The children of the corn” and her biggest supporter/long time love. She has a love of erotica, dark fantasy, Sci-fi and the things that go bump in the night. Books and writing are her biggest passion and she hopes to open your imagination to the unknown between the pages of her books
Author, mother, lover, friend she is a rainbow of openness never to be defined. Defining her would be like trying to block a bullet. But, if you tried and happen to stumble upon her in wikipedia, you would find that she has lived nine lives and has warmed a million hearts. She has done more than most and navigated everywhere loving freely and forever changing her hair. A light to this world who uses her being to unfold secrets and keys that lay beneath destinies and blessing. She worships the moon and tattoos her dreams in books. A lioness brought here to conquer the sun with a pen…no war…love as a weapon to win. With Love as her sweater constantly warming you and I with words.
A best selling author of contemporary and paranormal romance with a hint of Caribbean spice. She was born and raised on a Caribbean island and now currently lives in Charlotte, NC with her five kids who she affectionately nicknamed "The children of the corn” and her biggest supporter/long time love. She has a love of erotica, dark fantasy, Sci-fi and the things that go bump in the night. Books and writing are her biggest passion and she hopes to open your imagination to the unknown between the pages of her books